Sunday, May 31, 2009

Graduation ball in Bulgaria

I found these photos on the net. I really like their style and I think they look glamorous!
As you can see one of them has a tatoo like rihanna's. And please just take a look at the black shoes - they are so high and so great!

Really like this picture!

Me and my best friend from school:)
Sad all has finished:(

My flowers and my gift

I really liked the flowers my sweetheart gave me for our 3th aniversary. I told him they look like wedding ones:) He gave me as a present also this amazing necklace - I have his heart now, he can't go anyway:P

Bouchées de Saint-Jacques aux concombres

Type de plat : apéritif
Nb de couverts : 6
Préparation : 15 mn
Cuisson : 5 mn
Budget : Élevé
Origine : Europe
Difficulté : Facile
Ingrédients :
- 18 noix de Saint-Jacques sans corail
- 1 beau concombre
- 4 citrons verts
- huile d'olive
- mélange poivre 5 baies
- fleur de sel

Recette :
Faire mariner les noix de Saint-Jacques dans le jus des citrons verts environ 10 minutes, en les retournant au bout de 5 min.

Découper le concombre en longues lamelles à l'aide d'une mandoline ou d'un économe. Egoutter les Saint-Jacques et enrouler chacune d'elle dans une lanière de concombre.

Maintenir les bouchées à l'aide de pique en bois. Saupoudrer de fleur de sel, mélange 5 baies moulu et arroser d'un filet d'huile d'olive.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

my tousled hair

Hehe, this was the attempt for my hairstyle in occasion of the end of highschool just one year ago. Oh how old I am now:(:P I'd like to add it was a hairdresser who made the hairstyle:) Hehe i didnt like it for a ball, but except this i think its quite cool!:) Im also dressed with my favorite adidas sport t-shirt. Everyone who likes adidas, dont hesitate to buy one of them if they are still on the market:)
I forgot to say this is my previous hair colour, in the times i was blond:P

Waves are back

The waves are modern again. I was thinking for so long ago to buy a curling iron and ive never did. Now i determinated i will:) I saw different products on the net, and finally i think the best for a reasonable price (about 35-40$) is:
1) Hot Tools Diamond Platinum Curling Iron Nano Ceramic

2)Babyliss Gold Titanium Curling Iron

3)Hot Tools Curling Iron Ceramic Curler

There is also a various types depending on the iron diameter - from 3/4'' to 2''. It depends what kind of effect you want to achieve. Serena van der Woodsen from Gossip Girl uses the 1.5'' volume for her hair. Here how it looks on her:

And that shows you how to do it at home with your own curling iron:

Here you can see another waves variant:

Finally i have to say that i choosed the second curling iron from Babyliss because i have already a babyliss flat iron and i really think they are proof of quality and resistence. Besides they are profesionnal hair tools.

Cinema evening at the Mall - Angels and Demons

Yesterday was our 3 aniversary since me and my boy have been together. So we decided to do our best thing - go to the mall to watch movie, eat pop-corns and drink cola:)And our choice for movie was Angels and Demons based on the novela of Dan Brown. Since i read his world famous book The Davinci code (even i didnt watch the movie itself), i saw the trailer, i thought it will be an interesting movie. I was a bit concerned about the runtime - 138 minutes, but i didnt feel it - it wasnt like this boring movies, you just cant wait to finish because they are full of unnecessary details. It's a melange of crime, drama, mistery and thriller and even at moments, you can find something to laugh on. The choice for Robert Langdon (played by Tom Hanks) and Vittoria Vetra (played by Ayelet Zurer) was absolutely appropriate. I heard some critics about the movie but for me it was made professionaly and the plot was interesting. Besides when reading or watching movies based on Dan Brown's books, you can always learn something.
Im planning to visiting Rome in the future months and i will see all these places i saw on the movie:)

My sweet sweet boy!!!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Francis diaries

It was 9:00 pm, not less not more. After a long exhausting day at work, Francis was spending her time with Maulie (her dog) who was sitting next to her, and both watching television. Actually neither she was watching neither he. They were just pretending to.

- I don’t know what is in his mind but maybe he could have the same problems as me, who knows?, - said she under her nose.

Francis has been working as a secretary since 10 years.

“Oh I must celebrate it this year, I have almost forgot that it’s tomorrow. You know why this profession is so depressing – it’s like you are actually working like a modern phone – a machine invented by the modern world – a machine that you put on a chair, a machine that makes two movements during the day – reaching out his hand to the receiver, moving your lips by answering to all the same questions, oh I have almost forgot then you must reach out your hand again to shut down the phone. I forget so many things these days but now when I forgot to celebrate my 10th year at this work, the work that I like so much, I’m really starting to be scared. I think my dog is scared too.”

Last year Francis was having real problems with her boss

- The new office decoration, he said, - requires your phone to be brown.

- Brown? Do you know someone who loves the brown color? Oh sorry then don’t say to anyone. Okay lets be brown, why I should care I almost don’t use it. And now I have to pretend I like my brown phone.

The paradox is that since her life became so boring, she started to forget things. Maybe just every memory makes his settings for the appropriate situation.

Maybe you already think Francis is not normal because all she cares about is what was happening with her phone but don’t worry you will get to know her better in time. Actually she was trying to hide even from herself, but tomorrow is her birthday. In the past she was searching for a job so hard, that when they said to her:

- We all agree miss Francis Studgard, there is no better person for this job than you. And we all agree we urgently need a secretary. Can you start tomorrow?

- But can’t it be the day after-tomorrow. It’s just that tomorrow is my birthday. Actually I’m having a party tomorrow.

- No, absolutely no way. You are starting tomorrow or we will find somebody else for the job. Yes or no?

- I guess yes.

Please leave your comments to see if i should continue to write the book:)

Oranges Soleil

Type de plat : dessert
Nb de couverts : 4
Préparation : 10 mn
Cuisson : - mn
Budget : Économique
Origine : Exotique
Difficulté : Facile

Ingrédients :
4 oranges
1 bâton de cannelle
1 CS de fleur d'oranger
30 cl d'eau

Recette :
Peler 4 oranges à vif et découper en tranches fines
Préparer un sirop avec le sucre et l'eau dans laquelle on a plongé le bâton de cannelle
Insérer les tranches d'oranges et laisser cuire une dizaine de minutes
Retirer du feu et laisser refroidir les oranges puis verser un peu de fleurs d'oranger
Servir frais

Recette prise du

My new shoes:)

I was thinking about buying new high heels for about a month or more and finally i have them:) I was choosing between black and grey, but black isnt really my style. Im usually not a big fan of the animal elements but i felt in love with this. They are 26x21x10, so as u can see its really high:) I thought it will be good to combine them with a short skirt:)
I have red eyes here i know..:(

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Fast food

I dont know someone who have never felt guilty after eating one big hamburger at McDonalds or at another fast food. Its fast, cheap and in most cases - very delicious:) Everybody knows is the unhealthiest food in the world but sometimes when we get hungry, we really cant refuse one hamburger with potatos and cola. But stop blaming yourself and take a breath, even the celebrities can be seen in front of a big fast food menu:) And besides it's really sweet to see a thin girl eating an enormous pizza!
But be careful the fast food restorant is not perfect place for the first date:)

Stella McCartney - Favorite tennis style

The clothes of Stella McCartney are really amazing! The materials they are made just make you feel confortable and sexy. About the colours - they always seem unique and special. Its obvious why one of the sweetes tennis player Maria Kirilenko is wearing them.
The only disadvantage
is the expensive price - just like haute couture:) But if you really want to look glamorous on the tennis court, you should save some money from your salary to make yourself a gift like this.

Price - 175$

Price - 100$

Price - 100$

Price - 180$

Price 40$

Price 160$

Soupe de pêches à la menthe

Type de plat : dessert
Nb de couverts : 4
Préparation : 5 mn
Cuisson : 10 mn
Budget : Raisonnable
Origine : France
Difficulté : Moyenne

Ingrédients :
6 pêches jaunes
1 bouteille de vin blanc
200g de sucre
menthe fraîche

Recette :
1. Pelez les pêches
2. Faites chauffer dans une casserole le vin blanc avec le sucre
3. A ébullition, plongez les pêches, ajoutez 15 feuilles de menthe hachées et laissez mijoter 5mn
4. Laissez refroidir 12hr
5. Servez frais en décorant d'une feuille de menthe

Conseils :

Vin conseillé : champagne, vin blanc comme Sauterne.

Recette prise du

My breakfast

Almost every day, when i woke up, im doing the same thing - 1st going for a short walk with my dog and then eating Muesli. I think there is no healthier breakfast than this and it gives you energy for the whole day. I've started to eat muesli when i was having a diet last year, but now even when i'm not anymore, I still do like it. The good thing about the muesli is the big choice of products on the market to choose from, and besides everyone could make his own muesli regarding his own preferences. Furthermore, it's easy and fast to make.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


-Have you ever had alcohol problems?
-Yes, once. I couldnt find a bar.

Music Idol Bulgaria - Favorite singer

I want to represent you all my favorite singer in Music Idol Bulgaria. It is still going but I hope she will win because she really deserves it - great voice, vision and caractere. Even when kicked out during the small concerts, the jury gave her second chance and now she is in the last 4!:)

Me in Jeravna

Hehe, thats enough ME, isn't it?:)